Thursday, January 29, 2009

Been quite a while since my last post. In fact, the two posts that i wrote at the beginning of my india stay were the only ones during the period. Things kept me busy and out of connectivity for most of my vacation. (As i have returned to the US) Here i return to my usual blogging self to ensure people that read my blog do not stay in peace forever. ;-, 

For a start, let me begin with the dance i was doing on the indian roads, trying to cross the road. Blame it on the year's time that i was away from india, the chennai roads looked so scary brimming with traffic. I hate to say that i got used to being patient and waiting for traffic signals before i walk or when i drive, and to shed all that to become aggressive on the indian roads was a tall order in itself. I had to convince myself into being on the toes to cross the roads and be alert for any possible space that might emerge between the moving traffic. The colors on the traffic lights proved insignificant as vehicles were on the move always and i was reduced to wait for the rare space on the road where i could sqeeze myself in, to cross the road without being hit. It took me about a week to get into this mould and i turned fearless.

Vehicle traffic in chennai has grown since i left the city and its all the more difficult to get parking space in and around the city. Imagine my plight driving around the city, when getting across to the other side of the road by walk was a challenge. I didn't risk driving a car and chose the two-wheeler instead. It proved to be an efficient solution and finding a parking space wasn't tough either. I used to drive 50 kms a day up and down to office and back, with ease. Wasn't that easy any more. [Growing old ?]. Whatever.... 


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