Thursday, September 11, 2008

Whose problem is it anyway ?

I got shouted at. I got shouted at, in front of all my friends(we also work at the same place). 

Who shouted ? Another friend. [Let's call him X]
Yeah..... it was pretty embarrassing alright. I didn't know what to do, i just ducked away sheepishly waiting for the heat to come down. We were midway into day one of our LA trip when we were deliberating on the next ride at Disneyland and most of them were fun and excitement. X comes in and asks us if there are any 'Soft' rides and i, in the fun mood that i was in at that moment, wanting to take a dig, said 'that ship is a softride and ......blah blah blah'. X got really angry and yelled at me for making fun. He went on saying i would know how he felt if i had brought my father along to the trip. Well that's what he did. 

X's wife and his father also  came along with us for the trip and X was having a difficult time seeing his father feeling weak and tired and not being able to cope with the rest of us or enjoy anything out there. Anger justified. But i didn't realize that X being a tough nut to crack was feeling the heat and getting cracked up. It was a catastrophe waiting to happen and i pulled the trigger. I was in my own fun cocoon and honestly, i didn't see what was coming. I didn't apologize. But that's just me... I was being myself taking a dig like i usually do. I didn't do anything wrong.... on a given day this would have passed up as another lighter moment. I take things light and that way, wish to overcome any difficult second i might be in.

But i began to think that i may have hurt someone (without intending to do so) who's not having a good time and should have apologized. I felt sorry for X, later. 

All that's (hopefully) forgotten, X and I speak well now, but god knows if its over yet.
Whatever.......Gone's gone, marching forward burying all the little bitter moments and cherishing the larger sweeter moments is what I intend to do.    


P.S - Just because i called him X doesn't mean i started hating him or i despised him after that. No names, that's all.

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