Monday, April 6, 2009

Songs i'm hooked to right now

I'm hooked to the following songs for the time being. Be it listening to music on my car or in my room, you'd catch me with one of these songs playing. And on loop. Indefinitely.

Except for serialization, this list signifies no order of preference.

1. Adada vaa - Sarvam
2. Neethaane - Sarvam
3. Chinnan sirusuga - Kunguma poovum kojum puravum
4. Choododhu - pokiri (telugu) - i know this isn't a recent song but i happened to watch this movie recently and 've been smitten by this song since.
5. Pada pada vena - Vennila kabadi kuzhu
6. Lesa parakkudhu - Vennila kabadi kuzhu
7. Jaane tu - jaane tu ya jaane na


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