Thursday, April 9, 2009

To tweet or not to tweet is the....

Twitter !! Twitter !! Twitter !! everyone's (online) talking about twitter now. Most of the people that proclaim to be social networking have a facebook account, myspace or now a twitter account.
Twitter claims to have over 7 million accounts[incl me as well =) ] and is growing exponentially by day.. at a whopping 1382 % over the past year (says And most of them that have twitter accounts don't even know how to use it [uh..hmm, that doesn't include me].Some of my friends are on twitter too and going heavy on it.

I created a twitter account to understand what the hoopla was all about. you'll not find more than a couple of tweets on my account.. That too i attribute it to my initial enthusiasm. I should admit that i'm one of the millions that either don't effectively use twitter or don't see a use for it in their lives. Not yet. There are also surveys or reports that suggest that most of them that have a twitter account do not know how to use it.

For the uninitiated, Twitter is a social networking service that works on the concept of answering the question "what are you doing ?". you simply update your account with a short message of 140 chars [that's shorter than an sms) answering that question. you could update through your web browser or through a desktop twitter client or through your phone by sending an sms to your twitter account. These updates are called tweets and the process is called tweeting.
Ideal for the people on the move and those that heavily dwell on text messaging. You could follow people to see what they are doing or people can follow you. Depends who you are.

No doubt twitter is hot in the youth circles and catching up fast with every living mortal on this planet. It not just lesser mortals like you and me, but also celebrities, websites, big corporations,
and every other weighted matter on this blue planet wants to follow or wants to be followed - on twitter. Twitter is becoming ubiquitous now (atleast on the internet) - Will twitter become the new world order ? Will it be the end of homo sapien supremacy on Earth ? Time will tell, people...... Time will tell.


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