Sunday, April 19, 2009

Gift card ?

To have to gift someone is one of the most daunting tasks ever in my life. Usually, there is an escape route when someone volunteers to collect money and buy the gift. I'd gleefully give them my share of the money for the gift and forget about the whole thing, while this sad person who volunteered will goto umpteen shops, sift over a thousand probable items - for that ideal gift for the occasion.
These days its so common to find people buy gift cards from big stores, fancy shops etc., and present it to people. It looks like the most ideal solution to the 'Gifting' problem these days, when people hardly have (read do not wish to spend) any time & effort for such things. To be honest, wouldn't blame them. And its always being justified that presenting a gift card would allow the so & so person who needs to be gifted, to decide on what they want or need at that specific time rather than ending up with a gift that can only beautify their showcase and not being able to put it to use. Sounds practical alright - for people that are just acquaintances/colleagues. But for people that are more than just colleagues/family friends, gift cards are too impersonal i think.
Recently, one of my close friends who also happens to be my colleague at work (and was thy room mate too once upon a time)  was celebrating his second marriage anniversary. I along with my friends/room-mates decided to gift him and they didn't bother too much about what to gift. Gift card was the unanimous decision - except me of course, i thought we should buy him something rather than a gift card - somehow a gift card didn't feel personal. After some brainstorming - we presented him with a printer. Was absolutely certain it'll not be useless. Donno how the other guys felt - but no one opposed. 

Gift cards or Gift items. What do you think ? 


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