Monday, July 13, 2009

When i went to the salon (my usual) this weekend to have an haircut, it was a sweltering hot saturday afternoon and i was praying there wouldn't be too many people waiting to have theirs done. Luckily it was empty and i was the only one. When the barber started working on my hair, she (yet to see a male barber here) was taking her own sweet time cutting it. And usually it doesn't take too long to cut mine - may be 10 mins or so. But it had been over thirty minutes and she was still "working" on it. As if on cue, since about 5 mins after she started cutting my hair, people started pouring in. It had been over 45 mins and this lady seemed unfazed by the crowd, obviously with more barbers (all of them women) from the back (inside) of the salon coming out to attend to customers, yet weren't just enough as some customers still had to wait. I couldn't help feeling surprised at two things. One, the sudden inflow of the customers and two, the barber that was attending to me who didn't bat an eyelid. I would have expected her to hurry up things with me so that she could move onto the next customer. She has cut my hair before and never has she been so cool. And she did a pretty good job with my hair too. Usually, having an hair cut is not my cup of tea. I'd want something and tell the barber that, but would end up having a not-so-proud-to-have funny haircut making me look awfully sheepish.Communication totally lost somewhere. Didn't bother. Gonna grow back anyways.

Though i had a new haircut that i was happy with, it was lost for a moment when my friend's wife looked through their door's peep hole and mistook me for her neighbour from downstairs and freaked out. Well, almost freaked out.
They were watching Vijay TV and there were some promos of its other shows that were playing in the ad interval of the program. They were getting annoyingly repeated due to the lack of the regular ads (because this was the edited version to be telecast in the US or something like that). As it turned out that i was incapable of tolerance towards such nuisance i had to switch channels or mute the volume everytime the ad break came up.
I can't fathom how people put up with such idiocracy all day.


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